
Name: Steve
Birthday: 8th July
Occupation: University Student
Location: Stafford


Manic Street Preachers





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Monday, September 19, 2005
Who am I?
So I found some stupid "get to know yourself" quiz (guessing it was written by one of our lovely yank friends), but it was the best I could find and thought it'd be a good way to start a blog.

* Name: Stephen Peter Cranston
* Nickname: Steve (So simple and dull I should be able to do better than that but no)
*Status: With a lovely young lady from Leeds named Rosie.
* Birthday: 8th July
* Location: Currently Stafford, originally Devon
* Hair colour: Black
* Eye colour: Brown
* Height: 5'11" last time I checked
* Shoe Size: 9 or 10 haven't been bowling for a while so I've forgotten.
* Brothers/Sisters: 3 amusing younger brothers
* Children?: Not yet...
* Who lives with you: 4 Uni friends, Josh, Max, Stu and Liam and some of the worlds biggest Wolf Spiders
* When is ur bedtime?: Generally before the sun comes up again.
* Nationality: English
* Job: Currently a student seeking work
* Night or Morning person?: Night
* Contacts/glasses?: Nope still got 20/20 vision
* Obscure and useless fact about yourself: I can juggle 3 smallish objects.
* I am: an architect, they call me a butcher (ok no more Manics references)
* I want to: do far to many things, travel to far and distant lands, write and sell a script/drawing/film, raise my future children to take over the world (a la stewie from Family Guy style), the list goes on.

------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
* Been in a car accident: Yep nothing major and nothing with me driving yet.
*Had an imaginary friend: I wished I had the imagination to have an imaginery friend if that counts.
* Cried during a Movie: Terminator 2 gets me everytime *wipes tear from eye*
* Ever thought an animated character was 'hot'?: Jessica Rabbit.
* Been on stage: Unfortunately, don't enjoy it much, possibly due to a lack of talent.
* Cut your hair: A mild trim when I was younger possibly.
* Been sarcastic: God no.

* Colour: Red and black together I like a lot (boring I know)
* Day/Night: Night
* Summer/Winter: Winter (final Manics reference "We love the Winter, it brings us closer together" - Masses Against The Classes)
* Cartoon: Family Guy and American Dad at the moment
* Food: Indian or Chinese
* Advertisement: Don't do it for me personally
* Movie: Jurassic Park (I know I should be able to do better than that being a film student but I love the film to bits!)
* Ice Cream: Mango
* Subject: History of Film
* Music/fave band: Manics
* Drink: Volvic touch of fruit
* Person to talk to online: My lovely girlfriend from Leeds, Rosie (sound like I'm introducing her to a huge audience there)
* Author: J.K. Rowling
* Place on Earth: Canada (Vancouver & Ottawa being the favourites to date)
* Leisure activity: Playing guitar, making films
* Sport: Tennis, football, badminton, swimming, windsurfing, kayaking
*Play: only seen a couple, I liked "A midsummers night dream" alot

------------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: Corduroy jacket and flares with a white shirt
* Hair is: looking a bit messy
* I'm feeling: like I should be doing something better with my time
* Eating: well it'll be the keyboard soon
* Drinking: Lilt
* Thinking about: Rosie (soppy I know)
* Listening to: a couple of French people natter away
* Talking to: a computer currently.
* Watching: my words appear on the screen.

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: Most of the time.
* Your friends: Depends how stupid the thing is their doing that they want me to believe in... ok I'll just say yes and stop rambling.
* Santa Claus: Well if I hadn't had it ruined for me when I entered secondary school then I could have put yes... who says ignorance isn't bliss.
* Tooth Fairy: Until I caught her and put her in a class jar where she works making Ice sculptures for me.
*True Love: Without a doubt.
* Destiny/Fate: Nope *wonders how many people have quoted the Matrix to answer that queston.*
* UFO's: I'm a doubter it's sad to say.

and it's done... my life summed up in a quiz most likely devised by a 12 year old american girl that writes an agony aunt column in her schools paper. I feel liberated.


posted by Steve @ 8:04 PM |


At 10:16 AM, Blogger A_to_x said...

Welcome to the world of blogging :)


At 3:12 AM, Blogger Steve said...

Thanks Alex :) It's nice to know it's being read.


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