
Name: Steve
Birthday: 8th July
Occupation: University Student
Location: Stafford


Manic Street Preachers





September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
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April 2006
May 2006
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January 2007
April 2007


Wednesday, September 28, 2005
"It's a crazy situation, but all we need are cigarettes & alcohol"
So, I decided to take a step away from just writing film reviews and posting old poetry of mine and go for something a bit more personal today. I guess the best starting point for this rant is to look at who I am, so let me introduce myself: I'm Steve, I'm 20 years old, studying Film Production Technology at Staffordshire University.

The culture that surrounds me, being a Uni student is best summed up as excessive drinking and cheap lays. I guess the Manics summed up that culture best with their original lines to A Design For Life:

"We don't talk about love, we only want to get fucked"

After being around this since high school, I'm fed up with how society just accepts this as being modern day culture. When Friday night arrives, you go out and drink the poison of your choice, to build up confidence to try and attract the opposite sex, for a cheap lay. I am of course generalizing excessively here, there's still a lot of people that have no interest in buying into the whole "the only way to have fun is to get pissed" attitude, but I think I should get to the point of my ramble.

Societies priorities and ignorance to some levels are what irritate me the most. The hypocrisy that comes out of some peoples mouths is unbelievable at the best of times. I'm always amazed by people that still think that the legality of something determines whether it's safe or not. I'm not going to try and advocate the use of drugs but if I was to choose a drug to legalize it certainly wouldn't be alcohol! Why? Think how many people die at the hands of alcohol (drink driving, domestic violence) now tell me how many people die from Cannabis abuse. Do the maths.

I guess this whole ramble was started by discussions with people from all sorts of backgrounds that quite happily say yeah I drink but smoking weed is wrong. Why? Cause it's illegal. *sigh* I'm not going to judge anyone for their choices, as I'd be a hypocrite having bought into both sides of my argument at some point in my life. My personal view from my own experiences are that the world would be a better, smarter society if people decided not to poison their bodies full stop.


posted by Steve @ 5:12 AM |